A strong CoC starts with strong partnerships.
Become a member of the Milwaukee Coalition on Housing and Homelessness and join us in ending the experience of homelessness for our neighbors in Milwaukee
The MCHH abides by core philosophies and a set of mutually held goals. Membership includes the adoption and championing of these values.
Low Barrier
The MCHH believes that all services for neighbors experiencing homelessness should be as low barrier as possible and the MCHH is focused on continuously improving programs and policies to address barriers to entry for CoC funded programs and partner agencies.
Housing First
The MCHH abides by Housing First Best Practices and believes that safe, affordable and stable housing without prerequisite is a human right.
Productive Collaboration
The MCHH knows that a rising tide raises all boats. MCHH members are expected to work collaboratively with all member agencies and will contribute positively to a collective voice on the successes of our coalition as well as the many challenges facing our system.
Community Responsibility
The MCHH knows that addressing homelessness is a community responsibility. Systemic factors and social issues that contribute to homelessness need to be addressed at all levels.