Full Body Meeting
The Full Body Meeting is a quarterly meeting and is open to all CoC Members. The Full Body meeting is an opportunity to network, hear about system updates, share information and listen to specialized panel discussions related to homelessness in our community.
Wednesday, November 20th 10am-12:30pm
United Way Volunteer Center
225 W Vine St, Milwaukee, WI 53212Panel Discussion Sex Trafficking, Sex Work and Harm Reduction
Standing Committees
The CoC Leadership Committee meets monthly and is made up of the leadership of each CoC funded agency. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss system wide challenges, successes and current state.
The purpose of this meeting is to make continuous improvements to our CE System. The meeting is chaired and co chaired by member agencies and is staffed by front line CoC agency staff.
The purpose of the Shelter Task Force Committee is for shelter leadership to meet to address system wide challenges, successes and continued improvement.
This committee is tasked with planning and implementing our quarterly full body meetings, arranging panels and our CoC training series.
The Purpose of the CoC Engagement Committee will be to plan CoC social and networking events, identify and share resources and community based training opportunities. CoC Engagement is also focused on how the MCHH interacts with the wider community and how we drive membership and engagement with the CoC and message our work.
MCHH Member Work Groups
The purpose of the Lived Expertise Project workgroup is to formalize a system to integrate lived expertise into our CoC's work and to offer that expertise to CoC funded and member agencies.
The purpose of the Winter Warming Planning Meeting will be to create a comprehensive winter plan to keep our neighbors experiencing homelessness safe during the winter warming season.
This work group meets to advise the City of Milwaukee on it's suggested use for City HOME/ARP money
Community Led Work Groups
Join community members to build strategies to centralize processes and recognition for housing providers, and well as a space for individuals with similar roles to discuss challenges and barriers to housing.
For more information, contact alexi.millard@milwaukeecountywi.gov
Join the January meeting by indicating availability at the link below:
If you lead a community group that caters services to homeless, reach out to mloone@milwaukee.gov to add your group to this list.
Want to connect your work with the community?
No one should be siloed in this line of work. Our effort to address homelessness in Milwaukee is strengthened when we work together.
If you are interested in sharing your work groups, initiatives or task force to be shared with the CoC to foster collaboration please share it below.
Upcoming Trainings
New Trainings Coming Soon
Check back frequently or join our email newsletter for more information on future trainings from MCHH